Zuzu Silk was born in a modern earth-space ship in 7079 and sent back to the 90’s to germinate a newly discovered resonance of groove.
The funky essence, given efficient and supreme nurture, would broadcast into a frequency shift large enough to rest and refuel the entire planet. Upon arriving in the past, Zuzu Silk had to enter through the portal through which births all human life. Upon the threshold of the womb, her new alias became Paulina Singer, and germination began.
For Paulina Singer, the journey to realize her healing purpose was not so cut and dry. In summer 2018, Paulina's lease on her apt was up. She didn't have money for another month of rent but she did have enough to go on a volunteer trip to a tiny village in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, to learn about permaculture and teach kids English for a month. This felt more purposeful than searching for a day job, and so she went. With no place to live in the US she was Anxious about what might come after the trip but she set the intention that what would come from this trip would give her means to find her next place to live. On the last week of her Indonesia stay, her agent called her about an audition. With 200$ in her pocket, she came back the US, made arrangements to sleep on a friends couch for a week, and went to audition. During that week she found out she booked it and has never had to worry about paying rent ever since.
The fear she felt in trusting she'd be okay instead of doing something that didn't feel purposeful just to make rent, and then the joy after her needs were met, was exhilarating. She realized she could use this power of trust in self belief for other things, and share this power with the world.
This brings the journey to her first album Freaq Wisdom. Freaq Wisdom is a meditation on shifting frequencies. When you live in our society, it's easy to base your life and self-worth off of programmed ideas. Growing up with too highly different cultural backgrounds, One of which she knew nothing about, Paulina dealt with a lot of opposing thought on how she was supposed to be. So she's had to find her own value systems, she's had to break down the external influence on her self-worth and find new perspectives, even if that means re-programming her entire outlook and taking terrifying leaps of faith. Trusting in yourself regardless of outside forces can be alienating, because it's a program we're all very used to. Realizing her way of thinking was distancing her from the relationships and frequencies that she had been used to, she decided to write her feelings through music instead of through conversation.
When she felt she couldn't share her ideas with people, she knew she could always share them with the beat.
It's a work in progress but freak wisdom symbolizes the last moments before she took the leap into trusting the capabilities of her inner power over the capabilities of external forces. It's the tipping of the scale. We can't wait to take you on this journey.
Paulina's background:
Paulina danced and sang and studied acting as a young person but after studying dance and psychology for one semester in college, she pivoted to a more serious focus in acting, and writing, studying at UCB for improv and gaining much of her acting technique by coaching with Anthony Abeson, who gave her a new perspective on the philanthropic side of telling stories. Writing her own stories in a world of underrepresentation became of the utmost importance.
Born of a 3rd generation Jewish Ukrainian mother and a free spirited Jamaican-American father, both artists, Singer was raised in New Hampshire and refined in Brooklyn, finding love for the arts in both places.
Her multicultural background ignites her desire to bring people together through exposing perspectives of different walks of life in acting. Along this journey she's been most recognized for her series regular role in Freeform’s horror series, Dead Of Summer, her work in Wilde Wedding alongside Patrick Stewart, John Malcovich and Glenn Close, in High School Lover alongside James Franco, and in How to make it in America alongside Luis Guzman; among many more. Her next endeavors include - the production of 3 thought-provoking and original shows with her writing partner, the expansion of a wellness and music event she created in September 2020 called Jam Planet, more music releases, a childrens book and a clothing line. She believes we have the power to create any reality we desire, no matter what the outside world tries to make us believe we can't do.
Paulinas purpose is to create works that ignite herself and her community to recognize the immense power for joy and prosperity with the tools we already have.
You can see her playing a recording artist named Zisa in Power Book III: Raising Kanan; season 2,
now on STARZ.
You can follow her work at www.ultimatedreamvacation.com